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Basic Engagement Strategies Online Workshop 

One Powerful Hour with Larry Bell!

Special Zoom Live Webinar

Join Online - Computer, Tablet or Smart Phone

  Saturday - October 29th, 2022

11:00 AM-12:00 Noon EST (10:00-11:00 AM CST)

$50 per participant

  • Engagement is a key to learning. New, first year, and inexperienced teachers often struggle to hold the attention of their students. In a study of high school students, 66% said they were bored in class everyday! (Macklem, 2015)
  • Veteran teachers working with “at-promise” students often struggle to keep their students involved.
  • This webinar features the 10-day “Larry Bell Student Engagement Program” with a detailed handout. The program contains strategies for opening class in an engaging way, presenting content in ways that involve every student and closing class with strategies that have all students working.
  • Teachers can start the program right away using the handout or modify it to fit their needs. Forty-five additional strategies will be provided to use throughout the year!


  • Working Definition of Student Engagement
  • Benefits of Student Engagement
  • Larry Bell Student Engagement Program
  • Engaging Strategies to Open Class with Excitement
  • Engaging Strategies for Teaching Content (Making require material engaging)
  • Engaging Strategies to Close Class
  • Ways to Encourage Students to Help Them Stay Engaged
  • Closing Words of Encouragement

How To Join