Texas school districts are being impacted by the $118 million deficit created when the state legislature decided not to fund the state pre-K program. Many ISDs already had very tight budgets and the impact of this decision will be felt throughout the district as some funds may have to be reallocated to make up for the loss. It is likely some programs will suffer.
Larry Bell delivers a tremendous “bang for the buck.” Larry’s professional development provide strategies for grades pre-K through secondary. The several times Larry has conducted large breakout sessions for the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals Conference (TASSP) in Austin, and the National Association of Elementary School Principals (Washington DC and Orlando, 2018) (NAESP) attest to Larry’s versatility in education. This is a rare skill as many presenters specialize primarily in one area. This often means an ISD has to bring in several different presenters in order to have an impact. Larry is able to give techniques that work with all grade levels creating a common voice and common language throughout the district, while saving valuable dollars for the district.
Texas independent school districts need speakers that address multiple situations.
"Money has always been tight in school districts across the country. When a school or district has to make up for a shortfall, staff development cannot be one of the things that suffers. Teachers need to grow, but more than ever, teachers must be encouraged. Now is not the time to do less for teachers when even more is being asked of their students. More and more the teachers are feeling disconnected from the school and the students. Reducing the amount or the quality of their professional development will further alienate teachers from their calling. The advantage that I bring is the ability to provide pertinent information to all levels of teachers, while lifting their spirits.”
Larry Bell
Educational Motivational Speaker, Consultant & Author
The following are a few of almost 100 Texas schools/districts Larry has worked with over the last two decades:
Southwest High School
Montgomery Intermediate School
Spence Elementary School
Aldine ISD
Brownsfield ISD
Ft. Bend ISD
Groesbeck ISD
Valley View ISD
Larry also has spoken at TASSP Conferences several times and at the Houston A+ Challenge and the CAMT Conference.
This is what educators in Texas say about Larry:
"He (Larry) made the entire staff realize their importance in the lives of young people today. He gave people hope where some people were hopeless.
Coach Bell has been in the tough settings and can share what works in those settings. He speaks from experience, not from the theoretical. Mr. Bell made his presentation relevant to our entire staff. Teachers, administrators, instructional aides, custodians, cafeteria workers, and bus drivers alike were highlighted for their contributions and successes! He found a way to make it personal to all."
Joey Light
Superintendent, Wylie ISD
"Larry Bell presented to our district today! He has a great wealth of knowledge and kept it entertaining! Thank you for an incredible day! I can't wait to implement UNRA(A)VEL in my class. My class will be future 100%ers! I believe in them and know they can do it!”
Sherri Hanisco
“I absolutely love Larry Bell. Today is my second time to see him. You can tell he loves what he does, gets others excited about education and children's future. He has so much energy! There should be more people like Larry Bell!"
Lori Ricker