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​Louisiana state officials highlight the need to continue raising expectations to give Louisiana children the education they deserve. This continued push for higher expectations comes on the heels of a report that Louisiana is improving but still ranks near the bottom nationally in reading, math, dropout rate and ACT scores.

​​Larry Bell has spent his entire career helping teachers increase their expectations, demanding more of their students and reigniting their own passion and fire for teaching. He has brought his strategies and methods to many teachers and schools in Louisiana. In fact, each year Larry holds a seminar for teachers and administrators in New Orleans. Those who have attended have taken what they learned and used it successfully at their sites.

According to a recent study Louisiana ranks near the bottom of all states in the nation.

"I believe Louisiana educators cannot get down or quit because of the new recent study. The students of Louisiana are just as capable and deserving as students anywhere. I have worked with schools and districts across Louisiana that have made tremendous progress over the last several years. Due to funding differences Louisiana educators have tremendous challenges. Louisiana educators also have tremendous strength and resolve. I have seen it. I have helped bring it out of Louisiana teachers. Keep in mind that Louisiana fourth grade students achieved the highest growth nationally, according to a 2015 NAEP report, in reading and second highest growth in math in the nation. This is the excellence I want to help Louisiana educators show on a regular basis. I have been working extensively with the teacher organization Louisiana APEL for several years to help as many teachers as I can. I want to help your school or district, also."

Larry Bell

Educational Motivational Speaker, Consultant & Author

​​The following are just a few of almost 100 Louisiana schools/districts Larry has worked with these last two decades:

Calcasieu Parish
LaGrange High School
Caddo Parish
Bossier Parish
Rayville Jr. High School
Webster Parish
Red River Parish
Jackson Parish

​This is what educators in Louisiana say about Larry:

"I am so elated to report to you that Creswell Elementary has the final score for our spring test results after our first year as a Larry Bell School. Amazingly, I can report a 22.2 point growth in our scores. We went from 45.8 to 68. You have definitely made a profound impact on the lives of our students and teachers."

Tracey J. Harris

Principal, Creswell Elementary

"Thank you so much for the work that you do in our school district. As superintendent and a huge fan of yours, I'm truly humbled by what you give to education!”

Lamar Goree

Supt. Caddo Parish Schools

“I wanted to let you know that the newspaper reported yesterday that our Parish had the largest increase in students passing in the Central Louisiana area. Our school saw a net improvement in 187 of our 320 students. ... Our teachers are convinced that your program largely attributed to our success. Thank you! You are wonderful!"

Rhonda Russell

Principal, Jena Junior High School